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The Monk

Directed by Danil Grinkin
Drama | Russia |
19 Min

The Fish Doctor

Directed by Susanna Della Sala
Comedy | Italy |
16 Min

Silent Campine

Directed by Steffen Geypens

Drama | Belgium | 15 Min

Best Director

Michael Mazzuca

Musical | Canada |
5 Min

Directed by Muhammad &

Samah Bayazid

Comedy | Syria | 18 Min

Best Actress

Tatyana Arntgolts

The Monk

Directed by Danil Grinkin
Drama | Russia |
19 Min

Carla Turcotte

Black Friday

Directed by Stéphane Moukarzel
Drama | Canada |
 17 Min

Best Actor

Mohamed Shoman


Directed by Muhammad

& Samah Bayazid

Comedy | Syria | 18 Min

Michael Laskin

A Real Adventure

Directed by Josh Zuckerman

Comedy | USA | 15 Min

Best Cinematography

Maximiliaan Dierickx

Silent Campine

Directed by Steffen Geypens
Drama | Belgium |
15 Min

Marie Davignon

Black Friday

Directed by Stéphane Moukarzel

Drama | Canada | 17 Min

Best Student Film


Bill Crothers S.S.

Drama | 4 Min

The Discovery

St. Edmund Campion S.S.
Animation |
4 Min

Stéphane Moukarzel

Black Friday
Drama | Canada | 17 Min

Kasia Smutniak

Moby Dick

Directed by Nicola Sorcinelli
Drama | Italy |
13 Min

Luigi Iacuzio

Mr. Steel

Directed by Federico Cappabianca
Drama | Italy |
20 Min

Salama Abdo


Directed by Muhammad

& Samah Bayazid
Comedy | Syria |
18 Min

Sincerely Anthony

Etobicoke School for the Arts

Animation | 1 Min

© Vaughan Film Festival 2018

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